Collection: Florals + Berries

At The Spice & Tea Exchange®, we source the finest spices and herbs to ensure your shopping experience is second to none! Explore the Spiceabilites!® and browse over 100 gourmet spices, peppers, herbs, and more. Select from dried flowers and botanicals to dried berries -- from pink pepperberry to rose petals to juniper berries and dried organic chamomile flowers and so much more! Just the extra touch of flavor and botanical teas you were looking for.

7 products

  • Hibiscus Flower - Cut & Sifted

    Found in nearly all tropical climates, the roselle species of the hibiscus flower is the one most commonly used for culinary purposes. Although it is also...

    $6.29 USD
    Sale price $6.29 USD
  • Juniper Berry

    The edible juniper berry, which is actually a soft cone similar to a pine cone, is the only spice derived from a conifer (a cone-bearing tree...

    $5.79 USD
    Sale price $5.79 USD
  • Lavender Flower

    Grown throughout Europe and North America, lavender is known for its beautiful color and perfume-like aroma and flavor. An integral part of the cuisine of southern...

    $6.19 USD
    Sale price $6.19 USD
  • Organic Chamomile Flower

    Chamomile, which is noted for its calming and soothing properties, is one of the most widely used flowers for herbal teas. Chamomile flowers are small, aromatic,...

    $7.89 USD
    Sale price $7.89 USD
  • Pink Pepperberry

    Pink pepperberries are actually not peppercorns at all and are not even related to the pepper nigrum plant. Originating from the French island of Reunion, this...

    $7.89 USD
    Sale price $7.89 USD
  • Rose Petals

    Rose petals have been used to flavor foods, wines, and liqueurs for centuries. With heightened interests in creative foods, the trend is progressing to Western cultures....

    $6.29 USD
    Sale price $6.29 USD
  • Szechuan - Pepper Berry

    Not related to regular pepper, this berry brings a pleasant, warm, floral, citrusy aroma. The heat surprises your taste buds later on. For the most part,...

    $8.79 USD
    Sale price $8.79 USD